I work with people who are consciously choosing to wake up, and are looking for guidance in how to navigate that awakening with kindness and grace.

Waking up can be like shaking a snow globe – experience can be so strong that it's hard to know what is story and what is true, what is noise and what is guidance. 

And sometimes even though we don’t experience being stuck, we have blind spots – untapped resources within us that can help us thrive even more. I help people slow down into a somatic connection with the wisdom in their own bodies to help guide them more deeply into themselves.

Private sessions can focus on pretty much any area of your life. I have worked with clients on issues around childhood, money, sex, relationship, health, family, spirituality, trauma, and world service. 


The key to any lasting shift lies in bringing kindness, breath, and awareness into the places in the body that are holding the unconscious resistance to that shift.


We simply bring light to where it hasn’t yet shined. There is no wrestling or pushing or pulling of splinters. They come out when they are ready, when the body feels safe and held. We go just far enough that you have a gentle stretch that you don’t need to recover from, that leaves you with a brighter more alive self-awareness and self-love.

Scanning the Body

Over the years, I’ve discovered and refined a gift that I call “scanning your body.”  In a few seconds, from anywhere in the world, with your permission, I can scan your body, and sense places in your body that are hungry to be seen and heard. Often, once the scanning is done, these parts of your body will speak through me to you, directing you to bring your awareness to tender places inside yourself, that are longing for healing and love.

Once I’ve scanned your body, I will usually offer you a guided meditation, to allow you to drop below the level of your mind into presence, and a sense of wholeness.  From that place, where oxytocin is flowing, we begin to have a conversation with your body, and allow it to communicate its needs and desires to you.

There is a simple magic to what happens in sessions. The most important thing is presence- mine and yours.


The root word for Spirit is the same as the root word for Breath: InSpiration and ReSpiration. Breath is the link between spirit and matter. It’s a direct route for bringing the unconditional love of Spirit to the myriad conditions of our lives. We don’t have to do much, other than shine a light onto places where light hasn’t shined. The light does the work. The breath does the work. As we bring consciousness to the hurt places- the contracted places- and hold them with tenderness and presence, the magic happens.

Slowing down to the speed of love

What if enlightenment/embodiment were as simple as one fully conscious breath?  If that’s true, then most of us have never actually done this. There are gaps- micro moments where we aren’t present, where we skip a beat, where the unwelcomed pain within us causes a blip or a skip or a warble. As we slow down, we can start to access awareness of these blips, and feel and sense them. They often manifest as feelings of discomfort, or a desire to move on to the next thing. 

When we slow down and allow ourselves to breathe into these places of discomfort, with curiosity and kindness, they begin to reveal themselves as doorways into wellsprings of awareness and energy that have been trapped beneath the surface of our consciousness.  These wellsprings – the places we have avoided because we didn’t know how to access them – are filled with wisdom for ourselves.  Not just wisdom like “love is a good thing,” but wisdom like “buy that house” or “go to that school” or “move to that place.”  Inner wisdom can be very specific, if we slow down enough to begin to listen.

At the end of the session, I offer insights and optional homework.  The homework is a way to help you integrate the gifts from the session, and bring nurturing and tenderness to yourself. 

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One-on-one guiding sessions for people consciously choosing to wake up, and are looking for guidance in how to navigate that awakening with kindness and grace.